02 November 2005

A little more bite and a little less bark

There was a time when I had this entire DC United soccer beat to myself in the blog world. That time is over. Please welcome A Little Less Conversation to the DCU Blogging ranks (which number exactly two at this moment, considering that the "DCUnited" blogspot site hasn't updated since 2003.)

A Little Less Conversation looks to be a fascinating read. The opening post establishes some impressive bona-fides in terms of DCU fandom. The most recent poses an interesting question on how DC fans should react to Mr. CJ Brown. I'm all for more MLS-Team specific blogs, and certainly DCU should be at the top of that list. So, to SCCRPLAYA (who, considering he's 21 and I'm 27, and considering also that I suck at things like ball control, passing, dribbling, and running, is probably a much better Soccer player than I am), I say "welcome aboard, and Vamos United!"

And I will add you to the blogroll, I'm just sometimes lazy about my updates to the template. Ask the kind folks over at Pseudo Corner Kick that had to wait for over a month. I should be better this time.


At 02 November, 2005 18:29, Blogger D said...

Oh and I forgot... Playa also had a real nice post about the DCenters... that always helps make with the warm and fuzzy.

At 04 November, 2005 11:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's because the DC United blogspot site morphed into what used to be OnTheSidelines (both of which I used to run), which has morphed into Mid-Atlantic Soccer Report (http://mid-atlanticsoccer.com). Check it out.

At 04 November, 2005 11:38, Blogger D said...

Is that what happened? I always thought MASR was what United Mania became, or perhaps I have the geneology wrong. Anyways, I will add MASR to the links on the right, and drop by there more than occasionally.

It just seemed like dcunited @ blogspot just stopped and left no forwarding address, so I kinda wondered when I started this site.

At 04 November, 2005 17:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a merger of sorts--UnitedMania and OnTheSidelines coming together. I should have done better in leaving a forwarding mark, but I don't even remember my Blogger login to update. I started everything with Blogger, then when I outgrew that, learned some HTML and coded my own site (OTS), and then after a couple of years doing that, got together with the UM guys.


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