They're not catcalling, they're yelling "Bruce"
MLS is running a set of "Season 10" polls regarding the best of the first decade. The current poll is on "Who is the best head coach?" Now, there are some worthy contendors. Bob Bradley who oversaw the birth of the Fire, achieving the double in Chicago's inaugural season, deserves mention. Sigi Schmid, who is a very good coach, deserves mention.
There's also Thomas Rongen. I may be in the minority here, but I liked Ray more than Thomas. I don't blame him for what happened for Chivas, but I don't think he helped the situation there either.
But really, the only choice is Bruce Arena. Let's check the history files. Two MLS titles, with a third arguable under his influence. 3 MLS cup appearences. Bruce Arena's resume includes the USMNT's performance in Korea (superb) and recent qualifying run (non-worrisome, as we like it), and the line below USMNT reads "Head Coach, DC United". So he may arguable be the greatest export from MLS to the world stage. Sure, I'm a homer on this, but as the All-Star post below indicates, I'm not about to say the DCU guy is better than the others simply because of the colors of the kit. Bruce is simply the best MLS's history has offered so far. Peter Nowak has had some success, but one season's cup is currently translating into "Not in Playoffs". Bruce is the guy.
In terms of the poll, Bruce is well ahead. The only questions is this: Can Bruce get more than 50% in a ten-way vote? He should, and that 47% better move north soon.
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