25 April 2007

Introducting The Freezer...

Anyone can write a power-poll where the strengths of various teams are debated. But only a select few can do the opposite, and rank the weakest things in US Soccer. Introducing the US Soccer Fragility Index, or as we call it around here, the Freezer. We're going to try and update you on the most fragile, weakest, and most uncertain things in US Soccer on a regular basis. We're still working out the kinks, and we're more than open to your input on the matter. Think of it as an "Anti-Power Poll", the kryptonite to the World Soccer Rankings, an excuse to call-out more than just one or two items with a Yellow Card/Red Card segment.

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At 25 April, 2007 14:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where in the Nam-off God is Christian Miles?

At 25 April, 2007 14:28, Blogger D said...

Damn... good point. Miles is definitely a candidate for future editions.

True story: Before the DC-KC game, I was discussing (with Joanna and Dave Lifton) making a sign for the FSC pregame that said "It's pronounced name-OFF!"

At 25 April, 2007 14:39, Blogger I-66 said...

Kljestan being out is going to kill my fantasy team.

At 25 April, 2007 16:38, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good stuff D. I say its a race between Mo Johnston and Nick Rimando to see who hits the breaking point first. My money's on Nicky...

At 25 April, 2007 22:03, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Christian Miles needs these.

Karl's voice: Dear Mr. Simpson, I've taken the liberty of preparing your
speech on the enclosed 3x5 cards. All the big words are spelled
Homer: Phonanetically.

At 27 April, 2007 12:43, Blogger gnupate said...

And now Nick Rimando is out for Monday's game against the Rapids. Can you rank him down any further?

At 27 April, 2007 12:45, Blogger D said...

In the next edition, Nick might the first to reach the "Absolute Zero" position. Sad, really.


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